
AI Chatbot Automation Marketing

How to Get Started?

Everything you need to succeed at Telegram & WhatsApp marketing is right at your fingertips. Take a look at what you can do and how to get started.

Connect to AI Chatbot Automation

Create a Telegram Chatbot @BotFather or create a WhatsApp business account, and then connect it to AI Chatbot Automation in a few easy steps. It`s just a piece of cake.

Share Chatbot Link & Build List

Include a link to the Chatbot on your website, social media pages, and email newsletters. Segment the list using tags and custom fields based on the user input flow.

Broadcast Message Anytime

You can send promotional messages, notifications, and updates at any time. According to one survey, the average open rate was over 80%. There is no 24-hour rule restriction for Telegram.

Automated Drip Messaging

You can set up automated sequence messages after a specified time interval, such as minutes, hours, or days, in addition to broadcasting messages.

User Input & Custom Field

Ask users a single or a series of questions. Answers can be kept as a variable in a custom field and used to segment subscribers.

Catalog & eCommerce

Boost your sales potential with WhatsApp Catalog, the ultimate tool for seamless selling. Set up a full-fledged eCommerce store with a simple checkout system within Telegram.


AI Chatbot Automation offers centralized live-chat features for both Telegram and WhatsApp. It's quick, easy to manage, and offers top-notch client support.

Team Member

To manage your AI Chatbot Automation account on your behalf, you can use a number of team members. By designing team roles that allow specific activities on specific modules, you can control team member access.


AI Chatbot Automation has Smart Integrations

The more you are connected to the world, the more smart you are. AI Chatbot Automation consists numerous built-in external connection integrations.






AI Bot Reply

AI Chatbot Automation has integrated OpenAI`s language processing technology so that we can understand and respond to user inputs in a conversational manner, providing more efficient and personalized interactions.

WhatsApp Catalogs

Experience the game-changing WhatsApp catalog integration. Effortlessly showcase and sell your products within WhatsApp, delivering a seamless shopping journey that takes your business to new heights.

WhatsApp Webhook Workflow

Boost your sales potential with WhatsApp Catalog, the ultimate tool for seamless selling. Set up a full-fledged eCommerce store with a simple checkout system within Telegram.


Leveraging the `WhatsApp Webhook Workflow` you can integrate AI Chatbot Automation to WooCommerce easily and can do the following actions: Order Notification to WhatsApp, COD to Prepaid Conversion by WhatsApp & many more yet to be released.


Leveraging the `WhatsApp Webhook Workflow` you can integrate AI Chatbot Automation to Shopify easily and can do the following actions: Order Notification to WhatsApp, COD to Prepaid Conversion by WhatsApp & many more yet to be released.

SMS,Email & Auto-responder

Set up an SMS and email sender API to send email and SMS to subscribers sharing their phone number or email. Auto-responders such as MailChimp, Sendinblue, ActiveCampaign can store collected emails.


Webforms with webhook support, such as WP Elementor and Google Forms, are becoming more and more popular. Using the `WhatsApp Webhook Workflow`, you may use a webform to input data to AI Chatbot Automation and send messages to WhatsApp.

API End-points

AI Chatbot Automation offers API end-points for developers to connect any other application with AI Chatbot Automation. We offer WhatsApp text message sending, WhatsApp template message sending, WhatsApp subscriber add many more yet to be released.


Effortlessly Create
Chatbot using Visual
Drag & Drop Editor

Embrace the power of visual bot creation using Visual Drag & Drop Flow Builder. Our intuitive editor allows you to design highly engaging chatbots using a no-code, visual interface. With a bird`s eye perspective of your entire bot, you can effortlessly create, test, and build chatbots graphically within a single online interface. Say goodbye to complex coding and enjoy the convenience of visually constructing your chatbot. Unlock endless possibilities and bring your bot ideas to life with ease using Visual Drag & Drop Editor. Start building your chatbot today and revolutionize your customer interactions!

Feature Boost Your Subscriber Count with Short Links & Chat Widgets

Are you looking to increase your subscriber count for your Telegram Chatbot or WhatsApp business? Look no further! AI Chatbot Automation has the perfect solution for you. With our short links, you can easily share your bot or business on websites, social media platforms, and through emails. When a user clicks on the short link, they will instantly engage with your bot and receive immediate responses. But that`s not all! AI Chatbot Automation also offers Telegram and WhatsApp chat widgets that can be seamlessly integrated into any website. Start growing your subscriber base today with short links and chat widgets!



Supercharge Your Business Growth with Broadcasting Tool

With powerful Broadcasting tool, you can take your business to new heights by engaging with your contacts list and driving growth. Whether you want to reactivate dormant customers, re-engage with your audience, or send messages, reminders, or follow-ups, our segmented audience targeting ensures precise and effective communication.

While WhatsApp Business Platform charges per conversation, rest assured that each WhatsApp Business account receives 1K free conversations per month. And here`s the best part: Telegram broadcasting has no limitations! Say goodbye to the 24-hour restriction and enjoy unlimited messaging capabilities with our Telegram Chatbot. Experience unparalleled business growth with Broadcasting tool today!


Boost Sales and Collaboration with Live Chat and Shared Inbox

Enhance customer engagement with Live Chat for WhatsApp & Telegram. Enjoy a shared team inbox for seamless collaboration, prioritize queries, and automate responses. Streamline workflows, access detailed analytics, and customize the chat widget to match your brand. Elevate your customer service and boost conversions with powerful solution. Try it today!

Transform Your Business with WhatsApp Catalog Integration

Boost your sales and streamline your customer shopping experience with groundbreaking WhatsApp Catalog Integration. Now, effortlessly display your products and sell directly within WhatsApp, reaching your customers where they already spend their time. With our seamless integration, you can showcase your catalog, highlight product details, and facilitate smooth transactions, all within the popular messaging app. Take your business to new heights and tap into the immense potential of WhatsApp Catalog Integration with AI Chatbot Automation. Start driving conversions and delighting your customers today!


Streamline Your Messaging Automation with Drip Campaigner

Revolutionize your messaging strategy with Drip Campaigner by AI Chatbot Automation. With this powerful tool, you can effortlessly set up drip campaigns for both WhatsApp as well as Telegram to send a series of messages to users at predetermined times.

Tailor your sequences based on user activity and responses, delivering personalized and engaging content. Whether it is hourly or daily sequences, you have the flexibility to design campaigns that suit your specific needs. Boost user engagement, nurture relationships, and automate your messaging workflow with Drip Campaigner by AI Chatbot Automation. Experience the power of effective messaging automation today!


Efficient Subscriber List Management and Segmentation

Take control of your subscriber list like never before with powerful management and segmentation features. With our platform, you can label your unique subscribers, allowing you to separate and group them based on specific criteria. By segmenting your subscribers into distinct labels, you gain the ability to send targeted sequence or broadcasting messages that resonate with each group.

Use labels to easily separate your chatbot subscribers and assign button labels to streamline subscriber organization. Leverage the power of segmentation to enhance your messaging strategy and deliver personalized content to your subscribers with ease.


Streamline Your Messaging Automation with Drip Campaigner

Experience the power of seamless integration and automation with WhatsApp Webhook Workflow. Our feature allows for automatic data transmission from any third-party webhook compatible software, such as Typeform, Google Forms, WP Elementor, WooCommerce, or Shopify, directly to AI Chatbot Automation. By leveraging this capability, you can effortlessly automate tasks like WooCommerce and Shopify order confirmation, converting cash-on-delivery payments to pre-paid payments, and much more. Unlock the potential of streamlined workflows and eliminate manual effort with WhatsApp Webhook Workflow. Experience seamless integration and automation today for enhanced efficiency and productivity in your business operations.

Effortless Telegram Group Management and Anti-Spam Automation

Take control of your Telegram group like never before with Telegram Bot Integration. Our powerful feature empowers you to automate group management tasks, filter unwanted content such as images, links, or specific keywords to maintain a spam-free environment, and even schedule posts for seamless content sharing. With AI Chatbot Automation, you can ensure a streamlined and engaging group experience while saving time and effort. Elevate your group management game with Telegram Bot Integration and enjoy a hassle-free and thriving community.

Empower Your Business with Full-Featured eCommerce for Telegram

Unleash the power of eCommerce with feature-rich platform designed for Telegram bots. With our robust solution, you can seamlessly present a well-designed eCommerce store to users directly within the Telegram bot. Enjoy the convenience of automated processes as the Chatbot intelligently responds to keywords or button clicks, effortlessly guiding users through browsing categories, adding items to their carts, making payments, and arranging home delivery.

AI Chatbot Automation becomes your dedicated virtual salesperson, ensuring a smooth and engaging shopping experience for your customers on Telegram. Embrace the future of eCommerce and maximize your business potential with Full-Featured eCommerce Platform today!


Effortless Telegram Group Management and Anti-Spam Automation

Take control of your Telegram group like never before with Telegram Bot Integration. Our powerful feature empowers you to automate group management tasks, filter unwanted content such as images, links, or specific keywords to maintain a spam-free environment, and even schedule posts for seamless content sharing. With AI Chatbot Automation, you can ensure a streamlined and engaging group experience while saving time and effort. Elevate your group management game with Telegram Bot Integration and enjoy a hassle-free and thriving community.
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