
Privacy and Cookie Policy


Brixbull Technologies Inc. understands the importance of your privacy and is committed to ensuring that your information is used and shared online responsibly. We respect and value the privacy of everyone using our website, and we collect and use information in ways that align with your rights and legal obligations.

This Privacy Policy applies to the data collected by Brixbull Technologies Inc. concerning your use of our website. Your acceptance of this Privacy Policy is deemed to occur upon your initial use of our site. If you do not agree with this policy, please discontinue using our site.

1. Definitions and Interpretation

In this Policy, the following terms have the following meanings:

  • Account: Refers to an account required to access and/or use specific areas and features of our site.
  • Cookie: A small text file placed on your computer or device by our site when you visit certain parts or use specific features.
  • Our Site: Refers to this website, Brixbull.co.
  • UK and EU Cookie Law: Encompasses relevant parts of the Privacy and Electronic Communications (EC Directive) Regulations.
  • We/Us/Our: Refers to Brixbull Technologies Inc., headquartered in Delaware, United States.

2. Information About Us

2.1 Brixbull Technologies Inc. owns and operates our site, Brixbull.co.
2.2 For data protection concerns, our data protection officer is [Name]; you can contact them at [email protected].

3. Scope – What Does This Policy Cover?

This Privacy Policy pertains to your use of our site and does not extend to linked websites. We recommend checking the privacy policies of linked sites before providing any data.

4. What Data Do We Collect?

We collect data automatically and voluntarily. Automatic data collection includes information like IP address and browser type. Voluntary data collection occurs when you sign up for an account and may include:

  • Name
  • Business/company name
  • Contact information
  • Demographic information
  • Financial information
  • Billing Address
  • VAT No.
  • Social Profile URLs

5. How Do We Use Your Data?

5.1 All personal data is securely stored in compliance with the GDPR.
5.2 Your data is used for various purposes, including managing your account, providing and personalizing services, responding to communications, and marketing with your consent.

6. How and Where Do We Store Your Data

6.1 Data is retained as long as necessary, and annual reviews are conducted.
6.2 Data may be stored or transferred outside the EEA, and we ensure its security and legality.

7. How Long Do We Retain Your Data

Data retention periods vary based on data types. General retention is three months for Social Media Post and a lifetime for Name & Email.

8. Do We Share Your Data?

We may share data with affiliated companies and third-party service providers listed in section 8.2. Data sharing complies with legal requirements.

9. What Happens If Our Business Changes Hands?

If our business undergoes changes, including transfer of control, user data relevant to the transferred part may be shared with the new owner.

10. How Can You Control Your Data?

You can control data usage by managing your account preferences, including opting out of emails. You can withdraw consent at any time.

11. Your Right to Withhold Information and Your Right to Withdraw Information After You Have Given it

You can access certain areas without providing data. You may withdraw consent at any time, but this may affect the services we provide.

12. How Can You Access, Delete or Transfer Your Data?

You have the right to request access, deletion, or transfer of your data. Contact us at [email protected].

13. What Cookies Do We Use and What For?

We use both first-party and third-party cookies for various purposes. Users are shown a pop-up to consent to cookies.

14. Summary of Your Rights under GDPR

Under GDPR, you have rights like access, deletion, and data portability. Contact us for enforcement or queries.

15. Automated Decision-Making and Profiling

You have the right to challenge automated decisions. Profiling procedures are transparent and secure.

16. Contacting Us

For questions or requests, contact us at [email protected].

17. Changes to Our Privacy Policy

We may update this Privacy Policy, and changes will be posted on our site. Continued use implies acceptance of the revised terms.

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